Monday, August 31, 2009

Renewable Energy Sources - How to Make Residential Solar Power

Renewable energy sources absolutely sustain life because they do not emit carbon-based warming and harmful substances into the atmosphere. Additionally, it helps the people live an economical life by not paying the monthly bills on home energy consumption anymore. They are also called the alternative energy sources which are replaced and renewed by a natural process. The great benefit about renewable energy is that it can be used repeatedly without depleting it.

Residential Solar Power is the most common alternative energy that people make use of these days to get away from the expensive energy sources being supplied by the private energy providers. Energy prices today are soaring that's why people need to take the initiative of maximizing what alternative energy sources are available today to combat the continuous increase of energy bills.

The installation of residential solar panels is the most viable solution to replace the usual energy source that people are using. As soon as they are installed, there will be no monthly monetary obligation anymore, which means that you will save a lot of your money. Theoretically, solar panels have quite long life span. They can actually be set up almost in all places because they appear in different shapes and sizes. You may ask for technical help from those who know how to make solar power.

The use of solar energy became popular as the industrialized energy sources continue to increase their power services. Other alternative energy sources have been maximized as well to replace the expensive energy cost nowadays. Solar generators are prevalently used to acquire solar energy. The significant role of the panels is to absorb the sunlight and eventually convert it into electrical power using the generators. These generators are then connected into the home and the energy is transmitted to the home to produce electricity.

To successfully turn your home into a residential solar power you need to be situated to a place where there is plenty of sunlight. An open space area would be very feasible to generate more solar energy. However, you need to find out first if the residential solar power conversion is legally allowed in the community where you live in. This is really a great solution to the rampant problem on energy price increase today.

The residential solar power makes a difference to your family and the Earth where you live in. This is the most efficient way to face the energy crisis these days. With the residential solar power at home, you will be able to cut-off some financial expenses. It is a much better practice to save our environment from being destroyed by the hazardous substances produced by the energy providers today.

Autor: Adam Young

The really affordable way to Renewable Energy Sources is DIY. With proper guidance, it's easy to learn How To Make Solar Power in your own backyard.

Added: August 31, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wind Turbine For Home Use

Many people are beginning to appreciate the value of DIY wind turbines. The biggest issue slowing the increased use of this energy source is the fact that most people don't realize how good the rate of return on this investment really is. They also don't realize that you can learn how to build a wind turbine with a very small investment.

We all need to understand that these home made wind turbine plans as an alternative power source, are very important. Wind power can reduce the strain on current energy supplies and natural resources. It is also an extremely clean source of energy. If we hope to continue to enjoy our natural resources and be guaranteed that we will continue to have energy for the future we must look to alternative energy that is renewable.

To resolve that issue you need to learn how to make your own wind turbine. A relatively unused source is wind power. When the wind is blowing we can have a steady flow of electrical energy to meet our needs and we will be using absolutely none of our non-renewable energy sources.

Homebrew wind turbines will not produce undesirable by products or pollution. They will not release any harmful gasses into the air such as other non renewable energy sources we have grown to depend on so heavily. When you build a diy wind turbine, using free energy makes wind turbines extremely cost-effective given that initial startup investments can be very moderate. This source of energy will relieve some of the concern about sky- rocketing energy costs and natural resource depletion. Also by building a diy wind turbine you are your own energy source and in full control of costs.

When you utilize a home made wind turbine plan you will grab wind energy and convert it into mechanical energy which can then be converted into electrical energy. When you learn how to make a wind turbine you will help eliminate or at least reduce the need and dependence on our naturally occurring organic fuels and take us a step closer to relieving the pressure on our environment.

Your own wind turbine for home use is actually a very practical way to provide electrical energy for your home. You may be surprised to learn that it is relatively inexpensive to have one of these homemade wind turbines on your property and the cost of startup can be less than two hundred dollars.

Small homemade windturbines can offer power dedicated solely to your own home in order to supply electricity for lighting, refrigeration, TV and other household appliances. If you decide to build a diy wind turbine you will reap some substantial rewards. You can see in many written articles that It is practical to construct a simple system that can save a thousand dollars per year on electrical energy costs.

Having your own dc wind turbine will allow you to drastically reduce the costs of electricity utilizing what can essentially be considered a source of free electricity. Basically there are two distinct approaches to build a home made wind turbine. You will discover a horizontal axis turbine and a vertical axis turbine. The horizontal axis turbines are the more frequently used and you should seriously consider these when deciding how to make a wind turbine. This design has the blade and rotor is placed on top of a tower.

The vertical axis turbine has the main rotor shaft arranged vertically which means that there is no need to constantly rotate it according to wind direction. The fan blades catch the wind from any direction. This windturbine design is more suitable to regions where wind direction can change frequently. This design also allows the gearbox and generator to be placed on the ground, making access for maintenance more user friendly. This design however may be less efficient and might limit the speed of the blade because the design is less energy efficient.

You may be asking yourself "what is a low cost wind turbine?" You can get started under $200. Wind power is safe, clean and renewable. Constructing a homemade wind turbine for your own use is not only quite possible, but is also an environmentally friendly answer to satisfy today's energy needs.

Autor: Thomas Henricks Thomas Henricks
Level: Basic PLUS
Tom Henricks is a retired electrical utility worker and charter fisherman from Lake Erie on the Canadian shore. He now creates a few websites for ... ...

Tom Henricks manages several small websites to assist people in finding quality products and information on the internet. For more information about the potential to reduce your energy costs drastically please visit

Added: August 29, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

DIY Solar Energy - Tap Into the Power of the Sun

There is simply no doubt about it, DIY solar energy is seeing a major surge in popularity. It really is no surprise though when you consider the rising price of energy and the increased awareness of how we manage our planet and its resources. And this lousy recession that we can't seem to get out of certainly adds to the attractiveness of harnessing a renewable energy resource, in this case, the sun.

Using solar panels can actually reduce our electricity bills to the point where they become negligible expenses. Not only that but if you were to truly get ambitious you could string together enough solar cells and solar panels that you could actually eliminate your electricity bill altogether. It is even possible to generate enough electricity that you can sell it back to the electric company.

With the run-up in fuel prices that we have seen over the past three years people are now, and possibly for the first time in these numbers, taking alternative energy sources serious. It's true that we become complacent when it is cheap to do so but with the rising cost of utilities the time for complacency has ended. We simply can no longer afford it.

Adding to the attractiveness of DIY solar energy is the friendly tax treatment that people who take advantage of it receive. Not only that but the Obama administration also seems to be very friendly towards alternative sources of energy including wind power and solar energy. There are initiatives that encourage the use of natural resources and I would say that it's a safe bet that we will see more of them in the future.

Probably the biggest issue with DIY solar energy is the initial cost. There is no single question that purchasing solar panels and having them installed requires a serious outlay of cash. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars to install a solar energy system for even an average sized home. Photovoltaic cells are not cheap by any stretch of the imagination.

But what if you could make your own solar cells and string them together into solar panels? Not only will you save thousands of dollars on parts and labor but you will also enjoy the long-term savings that come with solar energy. Not only will they pay for themselves over time but they will also increase the resale value of your home.

Well, I have good news. It absolutely is possible to build your own DIY solar energy system and you can do it for as little as $200 per solar panel. And the surprising thing is that it is really not that difficult to do. With parts and supplies you can get from your local hardware store or home improvement center and common household tools, you can build your own solar panels and generate electricity to power your home.

There are several excellent programs online that literally spell out everything you need to not only build your own solar energy system for your home but to also construct wind power generators for an additional source of energy. For less than $50 you can have the instructions that you need instantly sent to your computer allowing you to take action without delay.

A do-it-yourself solar energy project is not nearly as difficult as one may think. With just using common household tools you'll have your first solar panel completed in no time and will begin generating electricity from the sun. Then it will be you that will be radiating from the satisfaction that you will not only be saving a substantial amount of money, but will also be doing your part in reducing our carbon footprint.

Autor: Vincent Vega

Harness the power of DIY Solar Energy to create an unlimited amount of cheap electricity for your home. Find out how you can take advantage of the sun's energy at

Added: August 27, 2009

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wind Power Electricity - Generate Your Own!

Wind power electricity is the ideal modern power source - it's free, it's plentiful and it does not harm the planet. Many people think that generating their own electricity at home is expensive or complicated to set up. It need not be, you just need to know how.

More and more people these days are interested in generating their own electricity. Increasing fuel bills, energy supply instability and a keen desire to minimise the damage we inflict upon our planet are all good reasons for this. However, most people fall at the first fence - deciding how to start.

The main options for generating your own electricity are:

  • Hydroelectric. If you have a stream flowing through your garden, you may be able to hook up a water mill connected to a generator, and get your energy free from the water. Unfortunately not many of us are this lucky!
  • Solar panels. These are definitely something for the future. Great strides have been made in increasing their efficiency over the last few years, and they are viable in some really sunny places. Unfortunately, for most of us the sun is not strong enough and the panels are too expensive to make this a workable solution. Don't completely discount it from your consideration though, as progress is always being made, and there are some places where you can get quite large grants towards the cost of solar panels, which could change the balance. Especially now they make solar cells that look just like roofing tiles.
  • Wind turbines. They may be more controversial. Like green vegetables, some people love them, others hate them. But they provide the only viable way of generating reasonable amounts of electricity at a reasonable cost for many people. If you live in an area where the wind blows often enough, you stand a good chance of generating your own wind power electricity.

Wind turbines are a good solution for small-scale electricity generation for three main reasons:

  • They are very simple devices really - a simple propeller stuck on the front of a generator, like the one in your car (although that's called an alternator). As it is such simple technology, it is reliable and does not need expensive maintenance every week.
  • A relatively small turbine, perhaps with a 9 feet diameter blade, can generate quite a useful amount of electricity. Depending on your needs it could be enough to eliminate your electricity bill altogether, or at least make a significant contribution to it.
  • Wind blows all day, every day, normally. Sure you get a few calm days, but you don't lose your power supply every night (just when you need it) or have it reduced in power level every winter (just when you need it!).

Autor: Rob Knowles Rob Knowles
Level: Platinum
I used to have a great job - sitting around all day talking to people, then driving on to the next appointment. I stayed in ... ...

Generating your own electricity using a wind turbine is, for most people, the most practical way of reducing their dependence upon fossil fuels, and saving some money, and who doesn't want to do that? Learn more about wind power electricity and how you can generate your own, without spending a fortune at

2009 Rob Knowles

Added: August 26, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Get Me Off the Grid

Would you like to learn how to get off the grid? The most viable solution to get off grid today is to build homemade renewable energy systems to generate free electricity. This method has allowed many people, myself included, to be able to live off the grid and not have to rely on the power company again. It has also significantly reduced my monthly energy bills as my household consumption of grid powered electricity decreases.

1. Can You Really Run Your Home with Renewable Energy Solutions and Get Off the Grid?

Most people have found that they are able to build either wind mills or solar panels to produce free electrical power. However, there could also be cases whereby there is insufficient space around the house or that the environmental conditions around the house are not favourable for the use of such renewable energy systems. Therefore, make sure you explore their viability before you purchase the materials and attempt to build them.

2. Why Would You Want to Get Off the Grid?

I used to think that making a system to run my home off grid would cost a lot of money. Apparently, after doing a lot of research on this technology and exploring other people's opinions, I have discovered that this is exactly what most other homeowners misunderstand as well. After finding one of the best online guides available to learn building renewable energy systems myself, I have found that it is possible to do so with only less than $200 in total costs. This means that you can potentially get back your investment in less than 2 months.

3. What Are Some of the Other Benefits of Running Your Home with Renewable Energy Systems?

By doing so, on top of saving money on your electrical bills, you also can help reduce pollution to our environment. It is something to be proud of as many people are talking about saving the environment but not actually taking action to work towards it.

Autor: Gary Ashby

Are you looking to Get Off The Grid? Download the Best Step-By-Step Home Energy Guides at first!

The author has managed to reduce his energy bill by more than 80% by building his own renewable home energy system. Check out his website above to find out how to do it!

Added: August 24, 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

8 Common Usages of a Home Solar Power System

1) Generate electric power for general household usage - A home solar power system can be installed and the power generated by the Photovoltaic (PC) cells can reduce your power utility bills to zero.

2) For cooking purposes - Using the energy of the sun and some creativity, solar power can be used to cook our food. By using easy-to-make solar oven and heaters, it can put food on our dinner table. The food preparation process is longer and you can only do your cooking when the sun is shining. Nonetheless, it free energy.

3) Passive space heating - By using strategically placed blinds, awnings, sunrooms etc, solar power can be used to heat our homes without additional cost.

4) Heating water - One of the most common usage of solar energy is to produce hot water. A passive system does not require any moving parts or electrical pumps. All you need is water in the system and some copper piping.

5) Heat up a swimming pool - How much power do you need to heat up your swimming pool? A lot of power! By using a simple solar blanket, you can heat up the entire swimming pool cheaply and efficiently.

6) Landscape lighting - Light up your surrounding yard or garden with inexpensive solar lights. Save money by not using expensive overhead lighting. Some of the solar lights even have very funky designs.

7) Provide indoor lighting - This can be done by using low power consumption light-emitting diodes (LED). Use solar energy to charge up a battery bank at day and use the battery to power the LED at night.

8) Supply power for remote lodging - If you have a cabin up in the mountain, a boat or RV, you can use solar energy as its main power source.

Autor: Ken J. Maxwell

Want to know how you can build your own Home Solar Panels to reduce your electricity bill for under $300? Check out Earth 4 Energy e-book. For more information on the manual, read the Earth4 Energy review pages at

Added: August 22, 2009

Friday, August 21, 2009

Build Your Own Wind Power Generators - Live Green and Save Money

Wind power generators are becoming more and more common and they provide a fairly easy way to save money on your monthly electric bill. In many cases, you can sell any extra power you produce but don't use, back to your local electric company.

While the cost of commercial or industrial turbines can cost in the thousands of dollars, you can build your own for only $150 to $300. And you will easily recover this investment in a couple of months.

All that is required to build wind power generators is a set of plans, basic tools, some relatively simple parts, and a few days.

Wind power generators consist of a motor, blades attached to a center hub, a small frame for a tail, and, of course, a tower. In times past, every farm used to have at least one of these wind power generators.

You can build most of your generator from simple parts but you will need to purchase the motor. Motors can vary from $50 to $150, depending on size. Size is important because it will determine how much electricity it can produce.

Your plans will tell you what size and shape your blades should be. You can probably buy blades already manufactured, but it will be cheaper if you buy some steel and can make your own.

Lastly, you will need a tower. Steel piping can be salvaged from many sources such as old TV antennas. Again, your plans should explain not only how to erect the tower, but should also suggest how high the tower should be. Height is an important consideration for maximum efficiency. Too short and you won't catch enough wind, too high and it may have safety issues.

So, if you possess some basic handyman skills and would like a weekend project, get yourself a good set of plans, build one or more wind power generators, and start saving money.

Autor: Gianny Roberts

Building solar panels or windmills (wind turbines) to create green energy for your home can be a very gratifying and rewarding experience, and you can be on your way to be energy free in no time, however, be very careful when you pick an expert or guide to follow since your success of failure may well depend in the information you use to accomplice your goal.

Also, always download a course or package that offers you free Tech Support. It will be a lot easier for you to do this task if you have an expert willing to answer any question you may have along the way. It will be a more enjoyable experience as well.

Gianny Robers is an Electrical Engineer Graduate. He is an Editor for Solar-Wind Energy Review; a site dedicated to provide people with solid information on How To Make Solar Panels and Wind Turbines to generate their own power. His Team has researched, reviewed and tested hundreds of guides on How To Make A Solar Panel and Windmills. To learn more visit: Wind Power Generators.

Added: August 21, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A DIY Solar Shower is Easy, Cheap and Fun!

Would you like a shower in your backyard? Why not have an outdoor solar shower? You can make a simple shower with a length of garden pipe, up to a really sophisticated static shower cubicle with proper drainage, privacy and decking to keep feet clean whilst drying off.

We will consider a simple solar heated shower design which will fit neatly into the average backyard, possibly close to a swimming pool or hot tub, both of which could be heated from the shower's hot water supply.

Your primary concern must be proper drainage for the solar heated shower. Your local authorities might permit drainage into a simple pit or into a vegetable patch. On the other hand you might need a proper mains drainage system. You will have to observe whatever rules are in force for your neighborhood.

Here are the other main criteria for the design of your outdoor solar shower:

Privacy. Do you need to avoid being overlooked? If the answer is yes, then the shower will need to be shielded from upstairs and neighbors'windows.

Water Supply. You will experience a small drop in water pressure if your shower is a long way from your mains supply. Boost shower flow by including an old water tank or cylinder in the solar heating line, ideally mounted above the shower head height to give a good head of pressure.

Sunlight. The solar collector (hose, cylinder or both) needs good exposure to the sun's heat. Usually it will only take a few minutes to reheat water for the next shower, but the time taken can be badly affected by shade or poor positioning from direct sunlight.

Use. Is the solar heated shower to be used after having a dip in the pool or hot tub? To cool off after a sunbathe? These things will have a strong influence on your shower design.

Litter. Leaves can collect in the shower, and it is a chore to remove them every time you want to use it. A wooden lid is a good idea to cover the shower pan when not being used, and locate the shower as far as possible from your trees.

Between 9 and 16 square feet is a good size for an outdoor solar shower, and build it on decking about a foot above the ground, to allow the fitting of a suitable galvanized tray under the shower drain, to collect soiled water and in turn drain it into the soakaway system.

The decking can be extended for 4 or 5 feet at the shower entrance, to allow comfortable drying off without getting feet dirty. Use 4x4 pressure-treated softwood uprights for the corners of the shower cubicle, and make the sides of the shower from wood or fiber cement paneling.

The solar heating system itself is very simple to make. It could be as basic as fixing a shower head to 500 feet of flexible pipe coiled in the sun. A better way is to coil the water pipe in an open tray over the shower and facing towards the sun. If you need more hot water you could use an old water tank or hot water cylinder in the solar heating pipe, but this would have to be higher than the shower head to give you enough pressure.

In warmer climates it is advisable to fit a mixer, for allowing hot and cold water to merge before you burn yourself in the shower!

If you would like proper expert advice we have a strongly recommended guide to help you select and build the right outdoor solar shower for you. It includes good quality plans, schematic diagrams and clear instructions to make the whole process easy and fun.

Autor: Kieran Gracie

Author: Kieran Gracie


Our aim is to provide in one place expert advice and guidance for making a number of backyard building projects, such as sheds, chicken coops, log cabins, wind turbines, windmills, solar water heaters for houses and swimming pools, solar panels and other easy step-by-step guides for the amateur and professional alike.

For more information about making an outdoor solar shower please go to our website. We hope you will find your visit interesting and stimulating.

Added: August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

5 Ways to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

Compact Fluorescent Lights
Not only do CFL bulbs provide a whiter, cleaner light, they actually use up to 70% less energy than traditional incandescent bulbs. In addition, just replacing your most used lights in your home (think the kitchen, bathrooms, and bedrooms) can save you hundreds of dollars on your utilities bill every year.

Programmable Thermostat
Why pay to heat or cool your house while no one is there? If you haven't done so already, consider installing a programmable thermostat allowing you to program the temperature inside your home during set times of the day. Turn the thermostat back when you are not home or sleeping - a few degrees up in the summer and a few degrees down in the winter. You won't notice a difference in the temperature but you'll see substantial savings on your heating and cooling bill.

Purchase Energy-Star
Appliances and products that are Energy-Star approved mean they have meet strict efficiency standards set by the government (Energy-Star is a joint program between the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). Such products can save you money since they require less energy to operate and help protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Add Greenery
Planting trees, bushes, and other shrubs near your home can actually help reduce your cooling and heating costs. How? They provide shade in the summer and insulation in the winter. Not to mention they will provide beautiful greenery for your landscaped yard.

Slow the Flow
Installing low-flow showerheads and faucets (Grohe faucets have some great options) allow you to use less water without sacrificing water pressure (who wants to bathe in a trickle?). They may be more than traditional ones initially but you will quickly make up the difference once you see the difference in your water bill. In fact, slow-flow faucets and showerheads can save a family of four more than $300 a year on their water bill.

Autor: Kat Haverton

Added: August 18, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Several Great Things About the Magnetic Perpetual Motion Machine

We all want to live lives that do not have complications. Part of this life is to have energy to spend on machines because these machines are the very things that make our lives better. The problem is that we are facing an energy crisis. Since the population just keeps on growing, the need for power and fuel also grows by the minute. The trouble is that the earth takes so long to produce fuel and this brings us to the fact that we need to find alternative sources of energy. The good thing is that scientists and inventors have come up with a solution called magnetic perpetual motion machine.

This machine uses magnetic force fields to create energy. This is not entirely new since these machines have been in existence for almost 10 years. There have been a lot of modifications made so far and the product just keeps getting better. Unlike wind mills and solar panels, the magnetic perpetual motion machine can generate electricity even in the absence of the sun or the wind. This is because the power source is a magnet. At night, solar panels cannot get any source of power to convert to energy. If the wind does not blow, the wind mills will also not generate power.

If you use a magnetic perpetual motion machine, you will be able to have unlimited source of energy until such time that the magnets do not create force fields anymore. The magnets will only stop creating force fields after 400 years. This is the reason this was called a perpetual machine. The machine is a great investment because your succeeding generations will still be able to use it. If you will think about it, you will be saving a lot of money. If you have a magnetic perpetual motion machine, you will also not rely on electricity corporations for your power because you will generate your own.

Autor: Marvin Dunn

Now Pay Close Attention Here-

Are you seriously looking for a proven way to save money on your electricity bills? You will be surprised to know that how easy it is to save money on electricity bills at Home by opting a renewable source of energy like Magnetic Energy, that will not only save your money but you will help in cleaning the environment. How I built a Magnetic Power Generator in a few hours at home? Click Here.

Added: August 16, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Home Improvement to Prepare For Cold Winters

As winter looms near - it comes quicker than you think - it is important to start considering upgrades for your home in order to more efficiently keep your house warm. This could involve everything from replacing your old HVAC system to improving the overall insulation of the building. The benefits of taking the time and effort to improve your home in this way are numerous. Fluctuating gas and oil prices means that the future costs of heating your home will never be certain, but what you can do is temper this volatility with smart and proactive home improvement.
Heating Source

The furnace or heat pump inside your home consumes either electricity or some form of fuel, natural gas for example, in order to produce the heat necessary to warm your house. An old furnace becomes inefficient and can even become unsafe. Leaks within the system caused by rusting metal or oxidized fittings may not only waste fuel, but may also allow toxic gasses to invade the rest of your home. This is obviously not an ideal situation. Investing in a new or refurbished heating system can help you avoid future costly home repair.


The heat generated by your furnace is distributed to rooms around your home via a system of vents; as this hot air travels it imparts warmth to anything it comes into contact. The ability of each room to contain and preserve this heat is one of the determining factors involved in predicting the efficiency of your HVAC system. The more heat that is trapped inside each room, and collectively the home, the less your furnace has to work. It is a simple concept; you want to get the most warmth from the least amount of energy consumed (in this case natural gas).

Insulators act as barriers between the cold outdoors and the inside of your warm inviting home. An insulator is by definition a material with a poor heat conducting capacity, in other words it inhibits the transfer of radiant energy. The better the insulator the less heat is lost to the outside world. Your attic for example is an excellent insulator; it is filled with air and a layer of fiberglass which keeps heat from easily leaving your home. Any material between the painted interior sheetrock and the exterior siding can to some degree affect the effectiveness of your insulation.

Insulation Checklist

- Check for cracks around window frames (consider window replacement if they are in poor condition).
- Look for any gaps around doors or vents that may allow cold air to enter the home.
- Examine the inside of the wall frames; if the space is empty consider installing insulating material.
- Clean the ducts and vents that distribute the hot air around your home. Poor distribution will make some parts of your home too warm and other areas too cold.

Owning a home is a long term investment that requires a responsible and vigilant custodian who can properly manage his property. Maintaining an efficient HVAC system is not only important for your short term needs, but also a vital component of long term care.

Autor: Alexander Fishback

Sears Home Pro Improvement is your best bet for a job well-done. Heating and air installation is a serious job, best left to professionals, so don't be afraid to ask for help.

Added: August 14, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Residential Wind Turbines to Generate Your Own Electricity

There is a lot of interest in residential wind turbines at the moment. The idea of generating your own electricity to protect yourself from increasing fuel bills is very attractive. But is self-generation of electricity really viable? Or does it just make you feel good about helping the environment?

There has never been more enthusiasm for generating electricity at home. And there are plenty of good reasons why you might want to:

  • The ever-increasing cost of utility bills.
  • The damage being done to the planet by the conventional generation methods.
  • The increasing dependence of Western Nations on imports of fuel supplies - often from places which are unsympathetic, or even downright hostile towards the West.
  • Insufficient electricity infrastructure investment over the last 20 years which has already lead to blackouts in the UK, USA and Australia.

This seems to make the case for self-generation of electricity a no-brainer. However, you also need to consider whether it is a realistic solution for your own home, or if it's just a way of salving your conscience. The main things you need to think about are:

  • Location. Where would you put your residential wind turbine? Do you have enough space on your property to have a wind turbine? And if so, does the wind blow often enough and strongly enough to make it work? Most experts agree that you need an average wind speed of around 9 mph to enable you to generate enough electricity to make the idea of self-generation worth considering.
  • Planning Rules. Although most nations are much more in favour of green energy sources now, don't think that you'll be allowed to have a wind turbine on the balcony of your 7th floor flat! In the UK you will need Planning Permission from your local authority, which will need to be satisfied the turbine will be in a suitable place. In the US you will need to comply with local building codes. Every other country has its own system, but you will need to stick to the rules.
  • Amount of electricity. Do you want to generate enough to go 'off-grid'? Or even sell some back to the utility company? In many countries there are financial incentives for selling 'green' electricity back to the energy companies. In some places they must buy any excess back at a very favourable rate. But if you do want to do this, your equipment will need to comply with the technical requirements of the utility company. Obviously you need to know that before you build your turbine.
  • Expense. How much will all this cost? And this is often the killer, as fully installed systems can cost $10,000 or more, often having a payback period of 15 - 20 years. This approach is more one of making a political statement than of finding a practical solution to the self-generation question. Fortunately there are more economical solutions - there are many self-assembly kits available, which cut the initial investment down significantly. Even more people will be interested in the full do-it-yourself approach. Surprisingly it is possible to build your own residential wind turbine using components you can get of the internet or at the local hardware store, for less than $200. If you know where to look you can find some of the parts free. That sounds like a better deal!

Does it make sense for you to generate you own electricity by building a wind turbine in your garden? Only you can answer this. There are certainly a few hurdles that you need to jump over to get a system which is legal, which works, and which gives you an economic benefit. But these can all be overcome if you have the right information.

Autor: Rob Knowles Rob Knowles
Level: Platinum
I used to have a great job - sitting around all day talking to people, then driving on to the next appointment. I stayed in ... ...

Find out more about residential wind turbines by visiting Then you can find your way through the maze, save money and save the planet.

2009 Rob Knowles

Added: August 13, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Government Money to Update Your Home - Buy Energy Efficient Items For Your Home Now

Have you been thinking about adding some new updates to you home but are do not want to wait for years for it to pay off? If so, there is some good news about government money to update your home. The government has given taxpayers new energy tax credits that can be used if you purchase energy efficient items for your home.

There are many energy efficient improvements that you can do to your home that will result in a tax credit. Maybe you have windows that are old and are not energy efficient. You will know if you have these type of windows by the amount of heat or cold that comes through your windows. If you live in a warm climate, stand by the window in the middle of the afternoon. If you can feel the heat radiating through the window then your windows need replaced. This is also true of colder climates letting in colder air. By putting in new energy-efficient window you will have lower energy costs plus take advantage of a nice tax break.

You can also receive a nice break for putting in an energy-efficient air conditioner. If you have an older air conditioner, it is less energy efficient, thus will result in higher electricity costs. By putting in a new one, you will save on your energy costs plus get a nice tax credit.

These are not the only home improvements that can result in some extra money in your pockets. Make sure you do your research and find out about all the government money to update your home before choosing your updates.

Autor: Zak Crawford

Find out about the government money. Just click here.

Added: August 11, 2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How to Save on Your Heating and Cooling Bill

We all know that the economy is not close to what it used to be. Many families, including, yourself, maybe are living paycheck to paycheck, just hoping for some kind of break. In the economic environment we are in today, we all could use a little extra cash right? Well, I put together a short but important guide on how to save up to $60 a month on your Electric bill, just by doing a few things to your air system in your home.

#1 Change or Clean your Filters every 50 days
The average homeowner will clean their filter on their heater and air conditioning systems once every 5 months. After just one month, air flow through the filter can be blocked by as much as 25%. This means your heater or AC unit will have to work overtime and will cost you 25% more than it would have if you cleaned or replaced that filter. After 5 months, the blockage can be so severe that your unit may be using up to 75% more power then it should be. Cleaning the filters both in the units and on the air vents can take an hour or so time, and replacing them is not very expensive. Stop being lazy, and start saving an extra $40 per month on your electric bill.

#2 Upgrade your Thermostat
If you are still using one of those plastic thermostats which have the temperature set feature and an on/off button, then get with the times. This is no longer the 80's. You can now purchase smarter thermostats which will act more like a computer than a switch. The new technology will allow you to set temperature thresholds for every minute of the day. This means that if you are not home from 5am to 2pm each day, you can turn the heater or air conditioner down during those time periods to save it from heating or cooling an empty house. A simply switch to the latest thermostat technology can save you $20 a month, or $240 or so each year. It will pay for inself in just a few months time.

There are plenty other little things you can do to cut down on your bill. Remember, be smart, make sure there are no leaks in your system, and don't use energy you don't have to.

Autor: Brian Krassenstein Brian Krassenstein
Level: Platinum
Brian Krassenstein is a Web Entrepreneur with 10 years of experience in web design, advertising consulting, and domain name investing. Brian owns a portfolio of ... ...

Check out the following for more information on Saving money. Also check out the Talkgold Free Stuff forum.

Added: August 8, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Why Solar Panels Are Recommended by Everyone

When it comes to solar panels, you will probably think that they are very expensive. That is not true. The truth is you do not have to spend a lot of money just so you can install them in your property. Now you can get DIY or do it yourself kits that will guide you in building one on your rooftop.

Since the sun is readily available, you do not have to worry about your resources. All you need is the collection of materials so that you can commence your installation process.

If you will hire a contractor, it will probably take you some years before you are able to pay for what you have primarily invested. The great thing about these solar panels DIY kits is that they do not cost as much as you think they are. In addition to that, they are very easy to install.

There are lots of guides that are available out there that will give you thorough information as to what you will need to do and the materials that you have to buy. If you follow them step by step, you will be able to get your solar panels in time.

Dramatically, your bills will reduce and if you want to build more you can do so. Remember that one solar panel is not enough to power up your entire house so if you need to eliminate your bills you will have to build more.

If you live in a place where the sun is constantly shining, you will find that this is the best option for you. As we all know, the sun is the most powerful and the most abundant source in the world today. You will never lose the sun's power in contrast to fossil fuels which are believed to be running low nowadays.

Autor: Alexander Belov Alexander Belov
Level: Platinum
Hi, I am Alexander Belov. I love writing articles about literally anything and everything in this world. Starting from making money online and cars to ... ...

You may already know, but solar panels are not the only source of renewable energy. In fact, there are tons of them, but 2 main ones are solar power, which I've talked about, and the wind power. To produce electricity using solar power, you will need to have solar panels, which are quite costly, but you can build a windmill for under $200, and use wind power to get energy. I would recommend you to check out Earth4Energy to get step-by-step instructions for setting up all this stuff, and learning how to do it. Click here to find out more.

Added: August 6, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Build Your Own Wind Generator - Reduce Your Electric Bill

Believe it or not, it is possible to build your own wind generator. The truth is they are not that hard to build, they consume no fossil fuels, produce no air pollution and can reduce your electric bill dramatically. As you can see, it's a win, win situation. You can help the environment and lower you monthly expenses at the same time. When you consider that you can build your own wind generator for under $200, it's no wonder many homeowners have opted for wind power.

You might wonder why you should even bother to build your own wind generator when you can go buy one. The answer, of course, is that a commercial wind generating system will cost you thousands of dollars to purchase. The parts you need to build one, however, can be found at a hardware store and an auto junkyard. Even if you went out and bought the best quality materials available, it would still cost you far less than having a system professionally installed. Plus, there is a sense of pride you get in building something with your own two hands.

Now wind power is not for everyone. The wind doesn't blow all the time so it's not a constant power source. You do have batteries which stores power for those windless days, but that won't last very long. Simply put, the average wind speed for your area should be over 10 mph. If you live in a place where the wind speed is lower than that, then you should not build your own wind generator, it just won't work very well. To find out the wind speed in your area, you can Google 'average wind speed' to see a chart that will give you that data for many cities across the U.S.A.

If you live in a place that's especially windy, you can generate a lot of electricity and reduce your electric bill substantially. Even in a less windy area, you can still save money by supplementing the electric power in your home. You might also want to consider building several wind turbines to reduce your electric bill even further.

Autor: Bob Nesheim Bob Nesheim
Level: Basic PLUS
Bob Nesheim is the operator of which is a website that informs the general public about the uses of Solar and Wind Power. It ... ...

It's not very difficult to build your own wind generator. It takes some work but it's not overly complicated. With the proper guide, you can start building wind turbines right away. Remember, you get what you pay for when it comes to instructions. Make sure you find a highly detailed manual that's also easy to follow.

Added: August 5, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Home Solar Power System - Build Your Own Solar Panels, Get Smart and Start Saving on Utility Bills

Global economic crisis, recession crunch, retrenchment threats are all draining our already shrinking budget. I am sure that a few hundreds of dollars monthly spare cash would be a great help to your average household in such times. Knowing how to build your own solar panels is one of the best free gift you can ever get from Mother Earth. Sun power has been the oldest form of free renewable energy source which man have tried to tame and harness for the longest time.

Solar energy is a renewable and sustainable form of power which collects UV wavelengths from the sun and converts them into electricity to drive your household appliances. Essentially, the amount of electricity you consume determines the number of panels you need to build. Alternatively, you may also assume that the more panels build the more energy can be generate for usage or storage for future use.

If the above sounds laborious, expensive and technical, think of the monthly savings your new Home Solar Power System could generate, cutting you utilities bills by about half on a monthly basis. Many individuals too believe that assembling and installing the system is a great physical challenge and hence pass off the idea. These are people who have not found the easier and cheaper ways to build your own solar panels compared to buying from the professionals like I have.

Here I shall share with you why and how there is no need to pay a professional 7,000 to 16,000 dollars to install your Home Solar Power System. You can start to build your own sola panels with less for about 200 dollars over one weekend. All materials are easily available at your friendly neighbourhood hardware store. The beauty of it is that you start saving money the moment the system starts ups and there is low maintenance. What you do need is a good manual or guide which gives clear, concise and easy to follow instructions. The best guides come in the form of both and ebook as well as specific step by step videos which cut your learning time by more than half. In fact, simply follow the assembly and installation videos closely and you would have completed your project by the time your finish your videos.

As with any acquired skill, once you have mastered the assembly and installation techniques and build your own solar panels for the first time, as well as experienced for yourself the money saving benefits of a much reduced utility bill, you will want fully optimize more savings, by simply building more of them, expanding the capacity of your home solar power system continuously.

Autor: Joey Logan

So Visit for Your Complete Solar Power Guide Reviews. Also Learn More on How to Build Homemade Solar Panels and Save 80 percent on Your Electricity Bills.

Added: August 3, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009

There is a Right Way and a Wrong Way to Install Passive Solar Hot Water Systems

A recent article reported that solar panels can be used to save energy needed for electric cars. Apparently, the use of passive solar hot water panels not only heat the water but also stores energy and can be used as a "filling station" for recharging electric cars. The title of the piece made some reference to Chevron hating it. My husband responded that if Chevron hates it, it can not be all bad. You may be feeling that way about your power company as well.

There has been a surge of interest in utilizing passive solar hot water heaters. The process refers to the fact that rather than depending on an external power source such as electricity, it uses the sun as the power source. There are many articles and blogs on the Internet describing how to build your own passive solar system.

Some benefits are: the solar power system is more dependable, reliable and is independent of any external power as well as it costs less per unit of heat. Experts figure that fifty to eighty percent of your hot water needs are met with the solar system, and it will work even in the event of a power failure. This may be of more benefit in the rural areas, although it appears there has been an increase in urban areas. There is documentation abut the ease of installation, and they have been estimated to pay for themselves in three to five years. Overall, this indicates a better Return Of Investment, and we can not say that very often these days!

For best results, these considerations and suggestions should be followed, or at least you should know about them. Place the passive solar hot water system in a place with maximum solar exposure. Try to make both the collector and storage tanks as efficient as possible. Make sure the system will retain heat. The size of the system should be be the size appropriate for your needs. Your system should be efficient and freeze resistant. And lastly, make sure your system is built to last.

If you have made the emotional and intellectual commitment to install a passive solar hot water system, as well as a financial investment, you will want to be sure it provides you the best service and you are free of any worries concerning it. Good luck and enjoy your step into the future!

Autor: Hwang Keum-Ok

Hi! My name is Hwang Keum-OK. Does the thought of installing a passive solar how water system make you shudder? You're not alone -- but there's help for you at this site: There you will find plenty of easy-to-understand help and advice. The place to go again is: Installing Solar Panels. We hope to see you there soon!

Added: August 2, 2009