Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Build Your Own Wind Generator - Reduce Your Electric Bill

Believe it or not, it is possible to build your own wind generator. The truth is they are not that hard to build, they consume no fossil fuels, produce no air pollution and can reduce your electric bill dramatically. As you can see, it's a win, win situation. You can help the environment and lower you monthly expenses at the same time. When you consider that you can build your own wind generator for under $200, it's no wonder many homeowners have opted for wind power.

You might wonder why you should even bother to build your own wind generator when you can go buy one. The answer, of course, is that a commercial wind generating system will cost you thousands of dollars to purchase. The parts you need to build one, however, can be found at a hardware store and an auto junkyard. Even if you went out and bought the best quality materials available, it would still cost you far less than having a system professionally installed. Plus, there is a sense of pride you get in building something with your own two hands.

Now wind power is not for everyone. The wind doesn't blow all the time so it's not a constant power source. You do have batteries which stores power for those windless days, but that won't last very long. Simply put, the average wind speed for your area should be over 10 mph. If you live in a place where the wind speed is lower than that, then you should not build your own wind generator, it just won't work very well. To find out the wind speed in your area, you can Google 'average wind speed' to see a chart that will give you that data for many cities across the U.S.A.

If you live in a place that's especially windy, you can generate a lot of electricity and reduce your electric bill substantially. Even in a less windy area, you can still save money by supplementing the electric power in your home. You might also want to consider building several wind turbines to reduce your electric bill even further.

Autor: Bob Nesheim Bob Nesheim
Level: Basic PLUS
Bob Nesheim is the operator of which is a website that informs the general public about the uses of Solar and Wind Power. It ... ...

It's not very difficult to build your own wind generator. It takes some work but it's not overly complicated. With the proper guide, you can start building wind turbines right away. Remember, you get what you pay for when it comes to instructions. Make sure you find a highly detailed manual that's also easy to follow.

Added: August 5, 2009