Saturday, May 30, 2009

Solar Heat Energy Saves More Money

Gas Heating

By using gas heating, you are held in tow by the gas companies. If you need what they are selling, they can raise the price and know that they will not lose you as a customer. Have you ever noticed that the utility company lowers the cost of gas for heating during the warmer months and raises it when you need it the most, during winter? This is called supply in demand and they can charge more because everyone needs it. You can stop this from happening to you when you use solar heat energy.

Electric Heating

If you have electric heat, you know that heating a home this way can be costly. By using solar heat energy, you can save money on your electric bill. Electric heating can be expensive in any home. It is not common to have electric heat, but if you do, you know how important it is to keep the cost down so you can save money. Solar heating efficiency is better than using electricity because it can cut the cost of your electric bill by seventy-five percent during colder months.

Coal and Oil for Heating

Heating your home with coal or oil can be expensive and if you run out, you have to wait for the delivery to arrive. This could cause problems if the weather is bad and the delivery truck cannot reach you right away. If you use solar heat energy, you would not run out because even if you run out of energy to heat the home, you would still have a back up supply of coal or oil. You could do with only one delivery a season if you choose the solar heating efficiency way to heat your home.

If you would be gone and the sun did not produce enough energy, the back up system would start working. This means that your home would still be heated. If you were heating your home with coal or oil and you were gone when the coal or oil ran out, you would probably come home to a very cold home and possibly some damages to pipes. This is just another reason to use solar heat energy.

The benefits of solar heat energy are endless. You not only save money on heating costs, but you can heat the home even when you are gone without any worries of losing heat and possibly damaging water pipes. You will see al the benefits of solar heat energy once you have it installed.

Autor: Adam Carter

As we move closer to a global energy crisis and as all eyes turn to becoming more friendly towards the atmosphere, solar heating is becoming more and more common as an alternative source of energy. takes you through some of the aspects of this energy harvesting method.

Added: May 31, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Small Wind Energy Systems For Your Home - Make the Wind Pay Your Electrical Bill!

Small wind energy systems can be a great solution to power your home!

As you may know, our power supply is slowly being depleted, and we consume much more energy than we are able to produce. It is one thing to monitor the amount of energy that we consume each day, but it is a whole other thing to install cost-effective power solutions in our homes. Two great sources of power, solar and wind, can help us to conserve energy by using the elements of the world to power our homes.

These two solutions can eliminate any costly electricity bills and help the environment. Why wouldn't you want to make the switch?

Wind power is a great source to power your home and will work best when these conditions apply:
Your house is on a big lot of land so that there is a lot of room for wind to pass through the area.
The average wind speed near your home is 11 miles per hour. This is important because if there is little wind flow in your area you will not get power. Make sure you talk to an expert before deciding to use a wind system as your power source.

If you decide to install a small wind power system in your home, you will notice that it is composed of a tall tower and five blades which catch the wind. The height of the tower depends on the type of area that you home is located in. If you live in an area where there is not a lot of wind, consider getting a taller tower. However, if you live in an area that has a lot of wind, get a smaller tower; it will be less costly, and you can get away with it because it will still generate power. The blades that are pushed by the wind generate the energy that is used to power your home. You will even be able to store excess energy in case you run into a period of time with no wind.

When looking into wind power solutions, remember that wind mills, wind generators, and wind turbines are all the same mechanism.

Autor: Jay Smithson

You can save money by making your own energy at home. It is cheaper and easier then you may have thought.

You can build small wind energy systems yourself and save your hard earned cash...

DIY Renewable Power

Added: May 29, 2009

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Homemade Wind Generators - Thousands Less Than Buying

I still can't believe the the price of wind generators hasn't really gone down at all. After searcing around and finding that there was no way we would be able to afford one we decided to go with homemade wind generators because they are thousands of dollars less than buying one. I didn't really know where to start so I went online to try and figure out exactly how wind generators work. This left me with a basic understanding of them as I couldn't really find any good information.

What I learned was that wind generators aren't really very complicated machines. There is the tower which gets them above the treeline where the wind moves faster. There are the blades and tail which helps point it into the wind and turn the motor. Lastly, there is the body which ties everything together. Breaking it down in this manner made it seem a lot simpler for me.

I was driving around one day doing some errands and still thinking about what I could use for our wind generator tower. I happened to pass a couple houses that had TV towers and satellite dishes hooked up. These towers looked very strong and they got above the treeline where the wind moves faster. I went up and asked them if I could take their old TV tower off of their hands. They actually looked relieved and said sure. I'm sure that they were glad to get rid of what they thought was an ugly part of their house.

Now that I had what is supposed to be the most expensive part of a wind generator for free I decided to work on the blades. A friend suggested to me that I cut some pipe into 3 sections. The resulting pieces should work very good as blades. I settled on PVC pipe as it's quite cheap and is very strong. One word of caution though: PVC gets brittle when exposed to sunlight so make sure to give it a couple coats with a UV protective paint to help protect against this.

We now had our tower and blades built. That last part was to build the body which would tie everything together. The body is made from some of the pipe that we had left over from building the blades. It's main purpose is to tie everything together and to keep any rain away from the motor. The motor go mounted in one end and the blades attached to the shaft. I used a cap with some silicone so that only the shaft is sticking out. The tail got mounted in the other end and is made from steel rod and plexiglass we had laying around. Lastly, we had to attach a flange to the bottom of the body with some 2" steel pipe attached to it. This served two purposes. It would allow us to mount the wind generator on the tower and it would allow the wind generator to turn and face the wind.

In total our homemade wind generator cost less than $150 and it sits atop it's tower spinning away happily producing free power for our home.

Autor: Andrew Oke Andrew Oke
Level: Basic PLUS
I grew interested in renewable energy about 16 years ago. WE decided to make the move to off grid living about that time as well. ... ...

Andrew Oke is very interested in renewable energy. He has 16 years experience living off the grid, and has completely built his own renewable energy system. You can learn more about homemade wind generators at the previous link. In addition, here's another article about homemade wind generators

Added: May 28, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Homemade Wind Generators - A Good Alternative

With renewable energy prices still not going down homemade wind generators are turning out to be a good alternative. We had been wanting to live on renewable energy for quite awhile because our electricity bill kept going up in price. When we moved it was our vow to run our house on clean renewable energy. The problem was that we simply couldn't afford it! We decided that if we couldn't buy it we would build it. It couldn't be that hard could it?

It turned out that it really wasn't hard at all. I have a habit of breaking down complicated projects into smaller simpler pieces and I did the same here. According to what we had learned the tower is the most expensive part of any wind generator installation. I decided to start with that part. The tower had to be strong and have a small footprint (the amount of ground it takes up). I was in despair until I was over at a friends house helping him put a new roof on. The ladder was all the way on the other side of the roof so I decided to climb down the TV tower he still had up. He had switched to satellite several years ago, but had never gotten around to taking it down. As I was climbing down all I could think about was "strong, tall, and easy to install!" I asked him if I could have it for our wind generator project and he said sure because he hadn't used it in years. We now had the most expensive part of the wind generator for free! You can do the same by simply driving around your neighborhood and looking for houses with a TV tower and a satellite dish up. Chances are they aren't using the tower anymore and will be more than happy to let you tote it away.

The next part that I decided to work on was the blades and hub. I thought this was going to be very difficult, but it really wasn't. I needed something that was very strong and had a slight curve to it. I really didn't want to make blades out of wood because I had no idea as to how. I settled on PVC pipe. I cut it into thirds and trimmed each piece into a blade shape. Than we sanded down the edges so the wind would move over them better and coated them with a coat of UV protective paint. The coat of paint is particularly important because PVC gets brittle when exposed to sunlight and the paint protects against this. I used an old pulley for the hub. A couple holes got drilled into it and I mounted the blades to it. Now I was ready to start working on the last piece of our homemade wind generator.

The body is the part of the wind generator that brings the whole thing together. It houses the motor which the blades get attached to, the tail, and the piece that allows you to mount it to the top of your tower. I used some leftover PVC pipe from the blades to build the body. I mounted the motor in one end and attached the blades to the shaft of the motor. The tail was attached to the other end of the body. I made the tail from some steel rod and leftover plexiglass from another project. The last thing I had to do was mount a flange on the underside of the body with some 2" steel pipe attached to it. This would allow me to mount the wind generator to the tower. TV towers conveniently have a 2" hole in the top of them so there's no extra work that you need to do.

Homemade wind generators are a good alternative to buying one. They really aren't that hard to build and they look and function just as well as their very expensive counterparts.

Autor: Andrew Oke Andrew Oke
Level: Basic PLUS
I grew interested in renewable energy about 16 years ago. WE decided to make the move to off grid living about that time as well. ... ...

Andrew Oke is very interested in renewable energy. He has 16 years experience living off the grid, and has completely built his own renewable energy system. You can learn more about homemade wind generators at the previous link. In addition, here's another great article about homemade wind generators.

Added: May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

It is Time to Make Your House Green

When it comes to the various methods of making your house green there are simple things that we can do such as closing doors, turning lights and appliances off when not in use, and maybe even opening or closing the blinds on their windows.

For a little extra effort you could create a game or reward system to play with the children in our home. In other ways we can put the stopper tub before turning water. The initial burst of cold water can be warmed by adding hot water later. It is a given that only about 5% of the mail that we receive everyday is important by taking your name off of the junk mail lists you will be doing much to help the environment in your home as well as out.

In the kitchen you will want to run only full loads in the washer or dishwasher, or adjust the water level for smaller loads. Front-loading washers use about a third less water than top-loading. Phosphates and other chemicals in many dishwasher and laundry soaps can pollute lakes and waterways, kill many plant and animal species and pose human health risks; therefore, learning about the alternatives will help a great deal.

Bulk shopping is frequently suggested as a greener alternative because the amount of materials required to package the goods is less, which, in turn, decreases the amount of waste. However, some bulk purchases may actually cost you and the environment more. So shop carefully to cut down on waste and save yourself money.

When it comes to cleaning around your home you will find that there is a variety of choices out there in terms of environmentally safe cleaning products. If you purchased white vinegar in a half-gallon jug, you could use it to remove scale as well as the professional products, but it would also be a great multi-purpose product that could be used to clean your floors, counters, and coffee pot, as well as polish chrome, kill weeds, treat bee stings, reduce the discomfort of sunburn, and much more.

You are most likely going to find that water waste and usage contribute to most of your problems in terms of allowing you make your house green. Swap over to a water efficient shower head at 9 litres per minute. Install low-flow plumbing in your home, such as a low-flow showerhead. Almost half the hot water used in a typical household goes to daily showers.

Low-flow nozzles save about 5 gallons a minute for a standard garden hose, and a low-flow showerhead uses as little as 2.5 gallons of water or less each minute and would save 25 gallons of water per 10-minute shower. Toilets made after 1996 use no more than 1.6 gallons per flush, while earlier versions can use from 3.5 to 7 gallons. With a family of four taking 5-minute showers, with a low-flow showerhead you can save at least 14,000 gallons of water a year. S o if 100,000 families installed low-flow shower heads we would save 1.4 billion gallons.

Autor: Harold Vladimovtel

If you are interested in how to make your house green then check out the following information: How to make your house green

Added: May 25, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

How to Make Your House Green

Plan an energy efficiency strategy for your home if you want to learn how to make your house green. There are many ways to go about this and if you put your mind to it you can come up with some great strategies now and in the future.

For example you can plan a neighborhood garage sale where you can have a clothing or furniture swap. Who knows, you could create a whole new look for your living room without spending a dime! A great way to add to the green initiative in your home is to plant fire-resistant shrubs and trees.

Windows facing north and south can offer a great source of natural light and heat. West and east windows will offer light but may produce too much glare as the sun rises and sets. So, if you are building a home you can put the windows in the north and south to make your house green.

Terms such as "natural," "nontoxic" and "environmentally friendly" sound nice but don't mean much. Complicating matters, manufacturers of cleaners and detergents aren't required to disclose their ingredients. Although there are many products out there that claim to be "natural cleaners", vinegar is really the workhorse of the natural home. Come to find out, vinegar has powerful cleaning properties while being environmentally friendly and easy on the pocketbook.

One of the reasons why manufacturers can't put the antibacterial label on vinegar, because it is not registered with the EPA as a pesticide, however it kills over 80% of bacteria, 90% of germs and viruses, so it's really super effective for cleaning and as a pesticide or gardening weed killer. It just makes sense to use homemade pesticides that are made from natural ingredients.

When you want to make your house green, you will need to take a close look at your bank account as solar and wind power; which both create largely emissions-free electricity, can be expensive, tricky, or impractical. The same holds true for the newfangled geothermal energy. If you cannot afford these expensive environment saving luxuries then you may want to look at the other ways to make your house green. It sure would be nice; however, if all homes were built with solar panels as a standard and not an expensive option.

Compact Florescent Light bulbs (CFLs) might be expensive to purchase, but are definitely cheaper in the long run. This is a very simple yet powerful method for you to make your house green. These bulbs are designed to last many years or your money back.

One 100-watt incandescent emits more light than two 60-watt bulbs combined but requires 17 percent less power. The 100-watter also uses the same energy as four 25-watt bulbs, but pumps out twice as much light.

In the end, it is really up to each individual as to how they are going to jump on the band wagon with the millions of others so that you can make your house green.

Autor: Harold Vladimovtel

It is quite easy to make your house green. Check out more information below.
Make your house green

Added: May 23, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Benefits of Wind Energy

As the economy tightens its grips around our bank account so does the need to find alternative methods to save money. One sure method, is utility bills. Rising fuel prices, embargoes, shareholders greed all contribute to higher energy bills. The utility companies have us over a barrel. It doesn't have to be this way; there are alternatives to higher utility prices. Once such method; is making electricity from wind.

Wind energy is created from converting wind into electricity so that it can be used as a power source. Solar energy (energy coming directly from the sun) creates different temperatures, pressures and densities within the air. This in turn creates wind and air masses that can be turned into electrical power with the use of wind machines. This is a great source on self-renewable and abundant energy that will never run out.

The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth is more than 200 times the amount is needed globally for our energy needs. While not all of this can be harnessed, plenty enough can be used to eliminate all other more damaging sources of energy. Wind energy is not only the cheapest way to now create power, it will also conserve large amounts of water, prevent climate change and pollution, and will reduce many other political and social problems created from the importing and exporting of oil and gas around the globe.

Wind power has little to no damaging affect on the environment in the way that other energy sources do, such as coal, gas, oil and nuclear generated power. Mass use of wind energy has the potential to greatly reduce and even eliminate global warming and climate change and their affects on the world around us. It will also greatly reduce troublesome pollution in many other forms such as acid rain, smog and haze, and the high mercury contamination within our water supply.

Wind energy has actually been used in many societies and civilizations since ancient times up until the era of the Industrial Revolution when the main power source was then switched over to oil. At the time, oil was thought to be cheaper to obtain and convert into energy, and the damaging environmental effects were not well known or immediately evident. However, the ill effects on the environment are now well documented and cannot be ignored. Coal, gas and oil prices have also now skyrocketed. This along with newer technology now makes wind energy the cheapest and most economical way to create electricity and energy. It also stabilizes energy prices in a way not possible with the use of other sources such as oil.

Power plants that create energy in other ways using coal, gas, oil or nuclear power are not only damaging to the environment, they also use mass amounts of water to produce electricity. The electricity used for irrigation and for thermal heat alone use up to 77% of our water supply. The production of wind energy does require the use of water. This would mean energy could be more easily produced and consumed in drier areas and times of drought and will also conserve our much-needed water supply for many other necessary uses.

The use of wind energy also contributes to the security of our nation and will help stabilize the global political environment as a whole. The United States imports more gas and oil from other areas of the world than any other nation on the planet. Most of these sources come from some of the most troubled areas in the world. This creates a large amount of political and social repercussions, as the U.S. must do whatever is needed to secure these sources of gas and oil to fulfill our country's energy needs. The implications of this are tremendous and can be completely avoided with the use of wind power that can easily be generated locally.

Autor: Mark E. Ellisor Mark E. Ellisor
Level: Basic
Mark Ellisor is the business owner of SOURCECORP LLC. I was fortunate to start my career at the grass roots level, working my way "up-the-ladder". ... ...

Mark Ellisor is the business owner of SOURCECORP LLC, SourceCorp LLC is an outsourcing company located in U.S. with offices in China. We provide a unique opportunity to our customers in outsourcing products, maintaining service, quality and value.

Added: May 21, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Solar Panels Can Power Your Home

There are many ways to power your home solar panels and solar power kits. These systems can fit nearly any size home, demand, and space requirement. In this article we will discuss three different kinds of photovoltaic (PV) systems and the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Off-Grid Solar Dependent Systems

These systems are usually found in extremely remote locations where electricity and fuel sources are hard to come by. These systems consist of:

* Solar panel array: a combination of solar panels that are sized according to the cabin's electrical consumption. The higher the consumption of electricity, the larger and more expensive the array must be.
* Charge controller: this takes energy from the solar array and feeds it into the battery bank, while ensuring that the batteries are not over-charged (which would damage the batteries).
* Battery bank: this is specially designed to fit both the solar array and the needs of the home. For instance you might need a larger battery bank if the area you are in experiences frequent cloudy days. The battery bank would have to store several days worth of energy to account for lack of sunshine.
* Inverter: the solar panels and batteries produce DC power and most appliances require AC power. The inverter does the job of turning the DC power into AC power for your home.


* These systems are great for remote cabins, cottages and villages. They allow people to live in areas where they would not normally be able to live. They also provide power to third world villages that would probably never have power otherwise.
* There is relatively little maintenance of this systems. The batteries will require the most attention and will have to be replaced before anything else.
* The cost of these systems, while not cheap, easily beat the costs of constructing a power line to remote areas 9 times out of 10.


* There is no means of getting back up power should the system go down due to weather or malfunction.

Hybrid Solar-Generator Systems Most often, off-grid solar installation are supplemented with a backup generator. This system has the same components, with the addition of these things:

* Generator: often powered by gas, oil, or propane, these units are essentially a combustion engine that turns an electric generator. This generates DC power that is fed into charge controller in the same fashion as PV power.
* Wind generator: these systems are gaining popularity for their ease of use, low maintenance, and low initial cost. They can be wired directly to the batteries in many cases as most of them have an internal charge controller. Some even have built in inverters so they can be tied into grid-tied homes directly.
* Micro-hydro: great for homes near flowing water, these systems have come a long way in the last few years. They can be tricky to install, as they consist of a turbine that is mounted in a river or stream. The water turns the turbine and generates electricity, which is fed into the charge controller.


* These systems are ideal for off-grid, remote locations. They can be designed for varying weather conditions and consumption, and the homeowner has the added peace of mind knowing that there is a backup generator in case the sun doesn't shine.


* These systems require a reliable secondary fuel source, whether it be propane or wind. Often these things are hard to come by in remote areas.
* The increased complexity of the system can often make installation difficult.
* Maintenance is heavier on these systems since they usually involve gassing and oiling a combustion engine.

Grid-Tied Solar Systems This by far the most popular PV system. Since the vast majority of homes in the US are connected to the electrical grid, this system probably makes the most sense for homeowners. The system can have batteries, but most often consists of the panel array, inverter, and several breakers and disconnects. The homeowner must also be aware of these items:

* Interconnection Agreement: this is a legal document from the power utility outlining the details of your grid-tied system. This will tell you how to tie it in and when they will inspect it.
* Net Metering: this allows you to sell your excess power back to the utility.


* These systems are far simpler and easier to install than off-grid applications.
* The grid acts as the battery, so if the solar array goes down or the sun is down the grid will keep the lights on.
* The cost for these systems is lower since the batteries and charge controllers are not necessary.
* Excess power can be sold to the utility to offset the cost of the system.
* Utilities often have rebates and incentives for homeowners installing PV systems which can offset the cost of the system.


* Obviously this is not an option for people that don't have an electrical grid nearby.

For more information on solar power kits and solar panels, visit our website.

Autor: Kriss Bergethon

Kriss Bergethon is a solar expert and writer. For more of his useful articles on solar power, please visit Solar Panels, Kits and Systems

Added: May 20, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Small and Easy Steps That Can Save Hundreds of Dollars a Year on Your Electricity Bill!

There are a lot of regular people who want to take the step into energy efficiency. There are many reasons for them wanting to take this step. The main reason that people would want to be more efficient with the energy they are using is, of course to save money. Some people just want to do their small part to help the environment. Whatever the case is there are many steps that can be taken to do this task, and the best part is they will be doing both at the same time. What I mean by this is no matter the initial reasoning behind going green two things will be achieved at the same time. You will be saving money every month on your electricity bill and also saving the environment as well.

There are many small steps that can be taken to reduce energy costs such as changing light bulbs, using energy efficient electronics, and unplugging electronics that are not in use. There are even steps to going green that do not involve energy at all. Using a water purifier in place of buying bottled water is one of the biggest steps that can be taken. One water purifier for a sink can actually produce over 700 bottles of water in the life of the filter and this leads to big bucks in the long run. If every bottle of water cost one dollar than of course this would be 700 dollars. With an initial cost of only 40-50 dollars it could be seen as a no-brainer. Not only would this save some money it would also be 700 less plastic bottles that would end up in our landfills.

Autor: Mike Massari Mike Massari
Level: Basic
Mike Massari is a strong believer in getting out from underneath companies that charge way to much for a service. I will help people to ... ...

To learn how you can start using alternative forms of energy while saving thousands of dollars per year, visit

Added: May 18, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

How to Make a Solar Water Heater

Using solar power for heating water for homes is an excellent option not only for saving money and energy, but also for preserving the environment. This article will explain how to make a solar water heater which will ensure you get hot water around the year with almost zero expense.

Making your own solar water heater is easy. First you need to decide on the best place where you are going to install one and also decide on its capacity which will best suit your needs.

You then need to build a solar collector with pipes through which water is transported which will collect the solar energy. This stored up heat is then used to heat water which flows through it.

This heated water then needs to be stored in a solar storage tank. The main purpose of this solar tank is to stored the hot water without it cooling down. For this purpose this tank is usually insulated and is usually painted black for absorbing and retaining heat. This storage tank can be easily built using scrap materials available at home or at neighborhood hardware stores.

This water tank is connected to the house using preferably insulated pipes so as to maintain the heat so that as and when the need for hot water arises, it can be easily transported without lowering of the heat.

Usually a solar water heater is perfectly capable of meeting the hot water requirements of a household and it is usually backed up with a conventional water heater.

Instead of opting for ready made commercials ones, you can easily build solar heaters as a DIY Project.

It is recommended that to make things easier you go in for good DIY solar heater plans which will guide with step by step instructions and illustrations.

Autor: Faith Parker

In fact you can easily make a solar water heater for less than $100.

For complete step by step diy plans to make solar hot water heater, click here to visit
Build Your Own Solar Water Heater.

Added: May 16, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

How to Generate Your Own Electricity

Do you want to generate your own electricity? I will show you how you can cut out the high cost of your electric bill each and every month by building your own solar energy system.

Before you start trying to generate your own electricity there are a few things you should do first:

One of the first things you should do is evaluate how much space you have available to build our system. Keep in mind that the larger area you have that you can build on, the more electricity you can generate.

Another thing to keep in mind is the permits that will be needed in order to generate your own electricity. In some areas, in order to generate your own electricity, some special permits may be needed. If you decide to hire a contractor they will have all the permits needed to build your solar energy system.

Lastly, you should choose a method to install your solar energy system. As mentioned previously you have the option to hire a contractor in your area to build your system for you. There are advantages and disadvantages to going this route. One advantage is getting a professional installation that may come with a warranty. The disadvantage to going this way is that it can be very costly.

The cheapest way to generate your own electricity is to buy a how-to manual online. There are several different manuals out there, but you will want to find the best one. These manuals will show you step-by-step how to generate your own energy for around $200. The manual will show you that no construction experience is necessary to generate your own electricity.

These are just a few steps you can take to generate your own electricity. Once you decide you are ready to generate your own electricity you will see how much extra money you have left over at the end of every month. If everyone takes steps to build their own solar energy system the world will be a much greener place to live in.

Autor: Jeff Sherwood Jeff Sherwood
Level: Basic
I would like to share some useful information on a variety of topics. If you like my articles please give me some ratings. If there ... ...

Added: May 15, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Look Into DIY Solar Energy Kits - How You Can Save Thousands of Dollars Annually!

Most of us, these days are looking for ways to save money, with the financial crisis set to worsen and be with us for quite some time, it makes sense to look for ways to save a dollar here and there. DIY solar energy kits can help do just this, save us some money, money which we can then use to sure up our lives while we ride out this economic storm. It was with this in mind I decided to take a look into DIY solar energy kits and find out how to build your own solar panels.

I did some searching online and came up with a number of solutions, the cheapest of which was to go down the path of a do it yourself solution. There were a number of "how to build your own solar panel" guides available for under $50. After reading a few reviews I settled on one and sat down to read through the instructional manual that only took a few minutes to download.

The next day I headed off to the local hardware store to assemble all the material mentioned in the guide, the materials cost just under $200, which is a very small cost when you consider the up to 80% reduction on your power bill promised by the guide I purchased.

Armed with all my materials I set off back home to start the assembly process.

I quickly became aware of how lucky I was to have a really clear and concise guide to follow, the guide I purchased even had video instructions, and 24 hour online support to help out with any questions.

Assembling my diy solar energy kit was almost child play, it was so straightforward that I had my first panel assembled before day's end. So easy was the process that I decided to get my youngest son involved on the next panel and to say it was a fun and rewarding experience for both of us would be an understatement.

Now I know there are all the environmental virtues of utilizing solar energy, but for our household, the benefit we are most aware of is saving money, we are now saving 60 - 70% off our monthly power bill, this translates to over a thousand dollars a year.

Autor: Jon Osbourne

A few words about the how to build your own solar panel guide I purchased, it's crucial you get a good guide, I was lucky in that I found a review which steered me in the right direction to ensure my project was a success. You can find the review site here Solar Energy Kits

If you would like some more information on making your own solar panels, check out the following link diy solar energy

Added: May 14, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Residential Windmills - Home Windmill Basics

There has probably never been a better time to seriously consider harnessing wind power to generate some or all of your home's electricity. A great deal of time and money has been invested over the last decade into wind energy, and today's homeowner can reap the benefits from many of these advances. Although just a dream maybe 10-15 years ago, residential wind power is now a reality for many families around the world.

Assuming you have already done your due diligence, and you have determined that a home windmill is practical where you live, what exactly is a home windmill and how does it generate power? Home windmills and wind turbines can come in many different shapes and sizes, however a traditional home windmill looks similar to a large fan, but works just the opposite. Instead of using electricity to move the fan blades to create wind, a windmill or wind turbine uses the wind to move the fan rotor blades to generate electricity. In essence, the wind turns the rotor blades, which spin a shaft, and the shaft is connected to a generator that makes electricity.

Some of the basic parts that make up a residential windmill are as follows:

Rotor Blades - These are similar to fan blades. They catch the wind causing them to turn, which transfers the wind energy into kinetic energy.

Shaft - As the rotor blades turn they rotate the shaft. This then transfers the mechanical energy and powers the generator.

Generator - The generator or alternator is what is used to generate the electricity. As the rotor blades turn the shaft, the shaft transfers mechanical energy into the generator. Inside the generator, the rotation of magnets around a conductor, generates electricity.

Tail Assembly - This is used on horizontal-axis windmills and keeps your rotor blades facing into the wind. As the wind hits the tail assembly it causes your windmill rotor blades to swivel on the tower so that you get the most benefit from the wind, regardless of which direction it is blowing.

Tower - These come in all different shapes and sizes, but basically think of this as a big flag pole. The rotor blades and other parts of the windmill are mounted on the top of the tower. The higher the tower is the better, since this helps to ensure that you are above any nearby obstructions that might block the wind flow.

Today, there are many companies that offer complete, turn-key, home energy systems. Many of these systems combine both residential windmills and solar power, and come in a wide variety of configurations. These normally cost thousands of dollars and can provide either most or all of your home energy needs. There are also many sources available that provide simple step-by-step instructions for building your own home windmill or solar panels. If you are somewhat handy, then you may want to go this route and save yourself a good deal of money. Either way, you owe it to yourself to take a closer look at wind power, and see if maybe a home windmill is just what you need to lower your home energy costs.

Autor: Rich Herman Rich Herman
Level: Platinum
Rich Herman publishes children's stories. His audio CDs include classic children's stories, bible stories, and stories about famous Americans. He loves the outdoors and travels ... ...

Are you looking for more information on home windmills?

Get more information on home windmills here:

Added: May 12, 2009

Monday, May 11, 2009

How to Build Homemade Solar Panels - Steps to Building Your Own Solar Power System

The idea of building homemade solar panels has grown immensely popular in recent years and it's not difficult to see why. With a measly investment, not only can you drastically reduce your utility bills but you also use renewable energy that does not damage the environment. Before we get started on how to build homemade energy system, it is important to understand how they function.

In a nutshell, solar panels operate by using specific measures of light intensity such as direct sunlight in order to generate electricity. The extent to what you can actually power depends on how much energy is needed. For example, smaller sized panels can easily power a coffee maker but you may need a larger one to power your laundry machines.

Homemade energy systems typically come in two types. One provides power through heat and the other through electricity. Most common solar panels use energy through an absorber that converts sunlight into the form of heat which can then be used to heat water. The other type converts basic light into electricity which is then stored in a battery that powers appliances that rely on electricity.

When getting started in building solar panels, there are many DIY kits that include all the components you need to make your job that much easier. The components of a complete solar power system include solar cells, solder, soldering iron, tabbing and flux. In addition, these kits include specific instructions from start to finish so it does not take a professional to build one of these.

By having a DIY guide and all the necessary materials, knowing how to build homemade solar panels becomes an easy task. In fact, once you get started you'll wish that you had built one sooner.

Autor: James J. May

Ready to build your own homemade solar panels?

Having a great solar power guide can significantly cut your time and efforts in half while saving you a significant amount of money.

Learn how to build a homemade energy system the easy way and save on energy costs while promoting a cleaner environment.

Added: May 11, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

DIY Solar Power - Useful Tips to Building a Homemade Energy System Using Solar Panels

Building your own homemade energy system using solar power panels is a great way to save on energy costs while also contributing to the fight against global warming. Solar panels make it easy to convert sunlight into energy that you can use throughout your home powering appliances such as your computer, coffee maker, dish washer and so much more.

Of course, the amount of energy that you receive will depend on the number and size of solar panels you install and also the amount of direct sunlight they receive. The best part is, once your energy saving system is implemented it will become a source of renewable energy for years to come while drastically cutting your utility bills at the same time.

Another added benefit is that with your new found skill, you can even make a little extra money on the side by building these solar panels for your friends and neighbors. Keep in mind that a high quality system does not come cheap and you would have to make an initial monetary investment as well as your time in order to finish the project. There are several factors to consider before getting started.

First, determine whether you really do need to build solar panels on your home. If you consume electricity throughout most of the day when the sun is still out, then building your own homemade energy system will help to significantly reduce your electricity bill.

Second, always start with a guide no matter what. This will help you through the entire process and tell you exactly what you need to finish. Having a guide will also help you to see the end in mind and allow you to finish with better results.

Third, be sure that there is adequate space on your roof that is large enough to support solar panels. The last thing you want is spending so much time building panels that won't even fit on your roof. Be sure that there are no trees nearby as the shade can block direct sunlight.

While you can easily purchase solar panels that are ready to be installed, many builders charge a premium on their services and in many cases, building your own may be significantly cheaper. If this is the case, then be sure to get a proper guide that details the process and make sure that is adequate space in your yard.

Autor: James J. May

Ready to build your own homemade solar panels?

Having a great solar power guide can significantly cut your time and efforts in half while saving you a significant amount of money.

Learn how to build a homemade energy system the easy way and save on energy costs while promoting a cleaner environment.

Added: May 9, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

What it Takes to Build Your Own Homemade Solar Panels

The idea of building of your own homemade solar panels is enough to intimidate you but in reality, it's not as difficult as it seems. In fact, with all the benefits that renewable energy offers there's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't get started right away. There are many places where you can buy full systems but many shops will charge high premiums.

One of the best ways to combat these high prices is to simply build your own by gathering all the necessary materials and a proper guide that details the entire process. Before getting started, you should know that there are two different types of solar kits. One generates heat and the other generates electricity. These two different energy sources are used for different purposes so plan accordingly.

With a proper guide, building your own homemade solar panels makes your task much easier and you will soon find that it does not take an expert or a professional to build one. One of the most important aspects is to ensure that there is direct sunlight on the roof of your home. If the sun's rays become impeded in any way, then your system will become ineffective.

Prior to getting started, ensure that there is enough room on your roof for decent sized solar panels. Depending on what you intend to use them for, you may need additional panels. Nearby trees may cast a shadow that can block direct sunlight. If this is the case, then you may need to relocate the solar panels to a better location.

In all honesty, it does not take much to build a solar power system. While there is an initial monetary investment, the amount you will save on your utility bill will be more than enough to cover your costs in addition to saving you hundreds of dollars per year.

Autor: James J. May

Ready to build your own homemade solar panels?

Having a great solar power guide can significantly cut your time and efforts in half while saving you a significant amount of money.

Learn how to build a homemade energy system the easy way and save on energy costs while promoting a cleaner environment.

Added: May 7, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

QERV Technology Set to Slash Heating Air Conditioning Costs

Now that the Green Energy movement has caught the attention of the businesses and governments, amazing technologies like the exciting Air QERV are emerging.

Air QERV is the name of a particular technology that offers a quantum leap forward in using energy in an ultra efficient manner. QERV technology will be applied to a host of applications in the near future, but to start with it is focusing on home Heating & Air Conditioning systems.

Although that's not especially exciting stuff on the surface - once you learn about the very significant money people can save on their monthly utility bills you'll likely get excited quickly.

For Example:

Imagine turning on five hundred(500) 100 watt light bulbs at the same time. That's the approximate amount of energy a traditional Heating & Cooling system uses per hour.

Now imagine turning just three (3) 100 light bulbs. That's the amount of energy used by the Air QERV system to either heat or cool the same sized house!

Needless to say, there is no comparison; and since a large chunk of your monthly utility bill is due to the energy costs associated with heating or cooling your home - we're talking about saving of hundreds of dollars a month for many millions of homeowners.

Are you excited about Green Energy now? I thought you might be!

As far as Green Energy is concerned; the Air QERV is not just an improvement, it is a true quantum leap forward!

When people reduce the energy they need to heat or cool their homes by 90-95% it also means the various resources used to create that energy can now being conserved in a big way!

The resources currently used by homeowners to power their traditional HVAC systems include: Electricity, Natural Gas/Propane, Home Heating Oil, Nuclear, Coal, and Wood.

All of those resources are becoming more and more scarce. Add to that the cost associated with developing new refineries, power plants, oil wells, etc.; and they are also becoming more and more difficult to start and expensive to run.

We all know that the use of these fuels comes at a cost to our environment; and frankly, the earth just can't keep up with the damage we are causing.

We have accepted these sins against nature because we insist on living in comfort - and I'm no different...

The good news is that new technology can help use slash our energy consumption while we maintain our standard of living.

The bad new about the QERV is that it's a new endeavor and hasn't even really been introduced to the general public yet in a big way.

A nationwide road tour is scheduled so that both HVAC professionals and everyday people will have the opportunity to see the technology for themselves. If fact, they are being encouraged to bring their own measuring devices because the Air QERV's performance seems just too good to be true unless you've seen it for yourself!

The interesting thing is that there are also a whole host of other benefits associated with this particular technology over 'traditional' systems. They include lower cost, zero maintenance costs, better quality of air, and safer homes.

Stay tuned for breaking news about the Air QERV technology and their upcoming tour.

Feel free to contact us and we'll add you to the other people who are VERY excited about this quantum leap forward in Green Energy.

Autor: JT Kelly

John Kelly is an energy efficiency enthusiast. For more great information on this breakthrough technology visit the Air QERV Review site and submit your name to be added to the Breaking QERV News list

Added: May 4, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Why You Should Learn How to Build a Wind Turbine

Most people think that in order to obtain a solar panel or wind turbine you have to purchase one for thousands of dollars, and then go through the trouble of setting it up. Well, there's actually a better option, simply learn how to build a wind turbine. Not only will you save money from buying a new or used one, you'll save thousands of dollars each year, especially when you have built a few and are able to go "off the grid".

Below are the top reasons why you should learn how to build a wind turbine:

  • Learning how to build a wind turbine is fast
  • If you have the right information, it is very easy to pull off
  • It can be enjoyable, especially if you involve friends and family and do it as a "weekend project"
  • You'll end up either drastically reducing your monthly energy bills, or cut them out altogether once you have a few wind turbines up and running
  • You'll be helping the environment by using renewable energy that YOU generate, instead of helping to destroy the energy (as with the more common non-renewable energy)
  • Learning how to build a wind turbine can allow you to go off the grid, which means you are no longer affected by power outages in your area
  • Seeing how you are effectively saving money, not being affected by power outages, and use as much energy as you want without paying a dime-your neighbors will be interested and if they "jump in" and switch to renewable energy, that's more people contributing to helping out the economy and the environment.

Those are the top reasons why you should definitely learn how to build a wind turbine. There are literally no downsides, as the cost for all the materials is probably around the same, if not less, than your typical electricity bill right now.

Autor: Jon Beebe Jon Beebe
Level: Basic PLUS
Interested in Personal Growth, Mind Development, or Brain Entrainment? Visit my blog where I feature free content on these subjects and offer TWO free brain ... ...

The reason why I started my search for alternative energy was mainly due to the rising energy costs, so I began looking for anything that could help and was pleasantly surprised to find that after building a homemade wind turbine, it was actually very inexpensive, AND extremely easy to set up. The best part is, 3 wind turbines later, I am now running completely on renewable energy that I generate entirely from my own home!

I can now use as much energy as I need without paying a single dime, and do so in knowing that I am not causing the environment ANY harm whatsoever. The only thing I'm disappointed about is that I didn't find this information sooner.

A single website showed me everything I needed to know about how to build a wind turbine. Go to for complete details and info on this and other topics such as home solar power.

Added: May 3, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Solar Roof Shingles - What Are the Benefits?

If you are a big advocate for green life, you must have been excited about the innovation of the solar roof shingles. Compared to the conventional asphalt shingles, this new solar system can deliver obvious advantages and benefits to those green-oriented families.

Visual Appeal

This new type of shingles resemble the traditional asphalt shingles in size and finish, but are covered with thin film solar cells that are responsible for converting sunlight into electricity. Despite their thinness, these solar cells are able to produce the same amount of solar energy as that produced by the large array of solar panels. In fact, the solar shingle systems were exactly designed to substitute for the visually intrusive solar panel arrays.

Higher Acceptance

In some areas, the homeowner associations do not allow installation of solar panel arrays either on your roof or backyard. But, don't you think that the solar shingles will be more acceptable to them, as your roof will not look much different from their own roofs?

More Flexibility

There are two types of solar shingle systems available. The off-grid system is a self-contained one, while the on-grid one is attached to the public utility. The working mechanism behind the shingle solar system is the same as the old (though still being widely used at the moment) solar panel arrays - it collect sunlight and convert it into electricity through photovoltaic cells. The only difference is that the shingle systems use materials that are much smaller in size, but, with the newest solar technology, they are able to produce just the same amount of solar energy.

Easy Replacement

This new shingle system does not just look like the traditional asphalt shingles, it can also be replaced easily just as the asphalt shingles. Having said that, there is no need to worry about maintenance or replacement as yet. Almost all shingle systems in the market will last for at least 20 years, and they are able to sustain even the harsh weather like storm and high winds.

Right now, the solar roof shingles are still fair new in the market, and it is for your best interest that you purchase from reputable manufacturers that also provide professional installation. You can always do your research on the internet, find the best supplier, get the high-tech shingles properly installed, and start to experience the change to your life!

Autor: Pam Eisenberg

Click here for an excellent resource about using alternative energy power at home. Don't worry if you are technically-challenged, all topics are explained in simple plain English.

Interested in solar panel kits? Check out what sort of planning you need to carry out before making your investment.

Added: May 1, 2009