Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tips on Building Small Solar Power Systems

As the world is concerned over the environment, green electricity has been in the forefront of this new revolution. Now, we, as individuals, can make a small difference in this world by having renewable energy installed.

Building such system is fulfilling and worthwhile and can also supplement your income if you can sell some excess electricity on the national grid. Small Solar Power System is popular because it is easy to install, simple to make, and becomes affordable.

Here are some tips about building a small solar power system at home:

1. You can order prefabricated kits depending on your budget and most of these kits have a year of warranty.

2. Although, it seems a challenge to some to build such system, many reading as well as video materials that's useful in the planning up to testing stage are available in the web.

3. The selection of a good solar power plan is important to save time and cost.

4. Inspection of the area must be done in order to avoid unnecessary cost in the future. Inspect the soil, foundations, and your roof if you are planning to build one up there.

5. Build the system near your house or near transmission lines. This will save you money on wires and electrical post.

6. Write your goals and plans as well as organize all your needed tools.

7. Consider enough time to make your work good. Remember that it is you and your family who will be using this.

8. Have a license electrician test your system before actually using it.

Building such project may takes days or weeks depending on the size, the complexity of the kits, or if you are building totally from scratch. That's why planning and organization is so important. Failure in any aspect of the system will cost you money and downtime. Lives may be at risk because of electricity and harmful chemicals in some components of the solar power system such as lead or acids in the batteries. A well done solar power system will last you and your family for years. Even, if you are just building a small solar power system, you will definitely feel fulfilled and proud of yourself.

Autor: Daniel Burke

Your decision to build a small solar power system is very much helpful not just to you and your family but also to the environment. Better act now by going solar or be sorry later.

If you are serious about having an advantageous solar power system installed at home, Click Here for more details and information.

Added: September 29, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/