Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Saving Money at Home - How Much Money Can You Save by Making Some Eco-Friendly Changes at Home

The cost of living seems to be always on the rise regardless of the economic times. When it comes to cost cutting ideas and making ends meet, it can be hard to appreciate that our small efforts make any difference to our bills. Well, here is a "rough guide" to how much money you can save and at the same time, make a difference to your ecological footprint on the planet. Remember, not only are you saving your own money, but every Watt of energy you save, is less "fossil fuel" burnt to supply your house with electricity.

Simple changes to your daily habits can have a huge effect on the gas and electricity bills that drop through your letterbox. The trick is to see your home a little like a business and how it all works. Efficiency will be the key and how the parts of your home work together. For instance, efficient heating is of little use if the heating is lost through poorly insulated roof and walls, single glazed windows or air leaks. If your house can retain its heat, the size and cost of the heating system can be smaller. Because heating makes up the majority of your energy bills, (in colder climates) you will save the most money by reducing your heating needs. Conversely, in hotter climates, your cost is on cooling, and very often the same energy saving principles apply.

Applying our no-cost energy saving tips around your home can save you heaps of money a year.

For a typical home in the United Kingdom, here's how to save about 375/year, or $US500 for a house in in the northern latitudes of USA.

  • Energy Saving Light Bulbs - Save 5- 10/yr. Cost recovered in 6 months
  • Hot Water Insulation - Save 10/yr. Cost recovered in 1 year
  • Draught Proofing - Save 35/yr. Cost recovered in 3 years
  • Heating Controls - Save 50/yr. Cost recovered in 2-5 years
  • Double Glazed Windows - Save 40/yr. Cost recovered in 5 years
  • Ceiling/Roof Insulation - Save 80 - 100/yr. Cost recovered in 2-6 years
  • Cavity Wall Insulation - Save 130/yr. Cost recovered in 3 years
  • Replace Old Heater - Save 120 - 200/yr. Cost recovered in 4-5 years

It is easy to start saving energy right now, and you don't have to spend a lot of money to reduce your energy bills. As well as changing your daily energy habits, you can install energy efficient products and appliances around your home. Efficient products usually don't cost more than power munchers, but are cheaper to maintain and run. A properly heated house is comfortable and costs less to run by lowering your energy bills.

Autor: Greg Murry

Providing information to online users interested in living, lifestyle ecologically sound solutions. Helping people find DIY eco-friendly solutions to everyday living. Visit SolarDIYTips for information solar DIY solutions.

Added: December 22, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/