Sunday, March 8, 2009

Save Money and Build Your Own Solar Panels

Alternative energy is a hot topic everywhere these days. More people than ever before are interested in using renewable energy. Solar power is one of the easiest ways to generate electrical power from renewable energy.

The major drawback facing the majority of homeowners is the huge cost of hiring a contractor to install a solar power system. Most homeowners are shocked at the cost of hiring someone to install solar panels. Faced with the very large initial cost, many people simply give up on the idea of solar power as a home energy alternative.

But times are rapidly changing and the information is readily available so anyone can educate themselves on the basics of solar energy and solar panels. Gone are the days when solar power was available only to the most affluent or powerful. Today anyone can learn to easily build their own alternative energy system and reap the benefits of free, renewable energy. No longer do people think of solar panels as more science fiction than reality.

Solar panels work on the basis of photovoltaic cells turning light (photo) into electricity (voltaic). The materials used in making solar panels differ, but silicon is the most common. Silicon solar cells are semiconductors in solid state and are able to generate current when stimulated by photons.

Silicon solar cells are comprised of four types: single crystal or monocrystalline, polycrystalline which is sometimes referred to as multicrystalline, amorphous cells, and hybrids of the monocrystalline and amorphous cells.All of these have their particular uses, but single crystal cells are generally recognised as being the most efficient in terms of producing energy.

But enough of the science lessons. The simple truth is you do not need an engineering degree or even be an electrician to build an efficient solar power system for your home. It is definitely not rocket science. Anyone anywhere can build and install solar panels. It really is far simpler than most people realize. Can you change a tire? If you answered yes, then you can build solar panels.

As in any task, proper knowledge and guidance is critical. Without a proper blueprint, you most likely will not succeed. Knowledge is indeed power, and with the right guidance building and installing solar panels is not difficult at all. Take the time to learn how to do it right, and you can begin reaping the benefits of solar energy far easier and cheaper than you ever imagined.

Autor: Guy Williams

Learn more about solar panels at

Building a wind and solar power system for home energy production is far easier than you think.

Added: March 8, 2009