If you own a house, every end of the month you will see a large electricity bills. Electricity is one of the largest expenses in running a household. We need electric power for heating, cooking, cleaning and to run all the electrical equipments at home. Are there any ways to reduce our home power consumption? One solution is to implement solar panels for homes. This article will provide some information on using renewable energy such as solar for residential unit.
The idea of using solar panels for homes is to collect the sun energy and convert it into power. To do so, we have to construct solar array on the rooftop. A solar array is made from multiple solar cells linked together in series and attached to a flat wooden platform. Solar cell is also known as Photovoltaic (PV) and is made from a special semiconductor material which is capable of producing an electric current when exposed to sunlight. When the sun is shining, the power generated by the solar panels can be directed into a deep cycle batteries bank. The battery will store only Direct Current (DC). Since most of our home electrical appliances run on Alternate Current (AC), we need to use an inverter to change the DC to AC.
The utilization of solar panels for homes is fast expanding. Many people are starting to take notice on environmental issues such as global warming, pollution, rising energy cost etc. One way we can take part in helping the planet is through the usage of renewable energy such as solar power at home.
Autor: Will D. Kepper
Want to know how you can build your own Home Solar Panels to reduce your electricity bill for under $300? If you are good with hand tools, start a Do It Yourself (DIY) project to construct a residential solar array to harness free energy from the sun. What you will need is a step by step instructional guide. Get a comprehensive Solar Power For Homes guide review at http://www.DIYSolarHomes.com/ and download a FREE copy of "20 Solar Home Videos" E-book.
Added: March 15, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/
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