As the economy tightens its grips around our bank account so does the need to find alternative methods to save money. One sure method, is utility bills. Rising fuel prices, embargoes, shareholders greed all contribute to higher energy bills. The utility companies have us over a barrel. It doesn't have to be this way; there are alternatives to higher utility prices. Once such method; is making electricity from wind.
Wind energy is created from converting wind into electricity so that it can be used as a power source. Solar energy (energy coming directly from the sun) creates different temperatures, pressures and densities within the air. This in turn creates wind and air masses that can be turned into electrical power with the use of wind machines. This is a great source on self-renewable and abundant energy that will never run out.
The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth is more than 200 times the amount is needed globally for our energy needs. While not all of this can be harnessed, plenty enough can be used to eliminate all other more damaging sources of energy. Wind energy is not only the cheapest way to now create power, it will also conserve large amounts of water, prevent climate change and pollution, and will reduce many other political and social problems created from the importing and exporting of oil and gas around the globe.
Wind power has little to no damaging affect on the environment in the way that other energy sources do, such as coal, gas, oil and nuclear generated power. Mass use of wind energy has the potential to greatly reduce and even eliminate global warming and climate change and their affects on the world around us. It will also greatly reduce troublesome pollution in many other forms such as acid rain, smog and haze, and the high mercury contamination within our water supply.
Wind energy has actually been used in many societies and civilizations since ancient times up until the era of the Industrial Revolution when the main power source was then switched over to oil. At the time, oil was thought to be cheaper to obtain and convert into energy, and the damaging environmental effects were not well known or immediately evident. However, the ill effects on the environment are now well documented and cannot be ignored. Coal, gas and oil prices have also now skyrocketed. This along with newer technology now makes wind energy the cheapest and most economical way to create electricity and energy. It also stabilizes energy prices in a way not possible with the use of other sources such as oil.
Power plants that create energy in other ways using coal, gas, oil or nuclear power are not only damaging to the environment, they also use mass amounts of water to produce electricity. The electricity used for irrigation and for thermal heat alone use up to 77% of our water supply. The production of wind energy does require the use of water. This would mean energy could be more easily produced and consumed in drier areas and times of drought and will also conserve our much-needed water supply for many other necessary uses.
The use of wind energy also contributes to the security of our nation and will help stabilize the global political environment as a whole. The United States imports more gas and oil from other areas of the world than any other nation on the planet. Most of these sources come from some of the most troubled areas in the world. This creates a large amount of political and social repercussions, as the U.S. must do whatever is needed to secure these sources of gas and oil to fulfill our country's energy needs. The implications of this are tremendous and can be completely avoided with the use of wind power that can easily be generated locally.
Autor: Mark E. Ellisor Mark E. Ellisor
Level: Basic
Mark Ellisor is the business owner of SOURCECORP LLC. I was fortunate to start my career at the grass roots level, working my way "up-the-ladder". ... ...
Mark Ellisor is the business owner of SOURCECORP LLC, SourceCorp LLC is an outsourcing company located in U.S. with offices in China. We provide a unique opportunity to our customers in outsourcing products, maintaining service, quality and value.
Added: May 21, 2009
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