Most people think that in order to obtain a solar panel or wind turbine you have to purchase one for thousands of dollars, and then go through the trouble of setting it up. Well, there's actually a better option, simply learn how to build a wind turbine. Not only will you save money from buying a new or used one, you'll save thousands of dollars each year, especially when you have built a few and are able to go "off the grid".
Below are the top reasons why you should learn how to build a wind turbine:
- Learning how to build a wind turbine is fast
- If you have the right information, it is very easy to pull off
- It can be enjoyable, especially if you involve friends and family and do it as a "weekend project"
- You'll end up either drastically reducing your monthly energy bills, or cut them out altogether once you have a few wind turbines up and running
- You'll be helping the environment by using renewable energy that YOU generate, instead of helping to destroy the energy (as with the more common non-renewable energy)
- Learning how to build a wind turbine can allow you to go off the grid, which means you are no longer affected by power outages in your area
- Seeing how you are effectively saving money, not being affected by power outages, and use as much energy as you want without paying a dime-your neighbors will be interested and if they "jump in" and switch to renewable energy, that's more people contributing to helping out the economy and the environment.
Those are the top reasons why you should definitely learn how to build a wind turbine. There are literally no downsides, as the cost for all the materials is probably around the same, if not less, than your typical electricity bill right now.
Autor: Jon Beebe Jon Beebe
Level: Basic PLUS
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The reason why I started my search for alternative energy was mainly due to the rising energy costs, so I began looking for anything that could help and was pleasantly surprised to find that after building a homemade wind turbine, it was actually very inexpensive, AND extremely easy to set up. The best part is, 3 wind turbines later, I am now running completely on renewable energy that I generate entirely from my own home!
I can now use as much energy as I need without paying a single dime, and do so in knowing that I am not causing the environment ANY harm whatsoever. The only thing I'm disappointed about is that I didn't find this information sooner.
A single website showed me everything I needed to know about how to build a wind turbine. Go to for complete details and info on this and other topics such as home solar power.
Added: May 3, 2009
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