Perhaps you have decided to be energy independent are make your own electricity at home. Maybe you have read all of the hype on the benefits of solar and think it's a pretty good idea. But has anyone explained to you the main risks of home made solar panel systems? I didn't think so. Let me give you three good reasons why solar home systems are a bad idea and one excellent alternative.
Reason One.
Your home made solar panels are a huge risk to burning your home down. When you make your panel you will have to solder hundreds is small connections. Get one bad one and it can cause a short, possibly catching the panel on fire. There have been several reports of panel fires over the last several years, with most caused by poorly fabricated home made type panels. Your home owners insurance will not cover you for damage caused by a panel fire.
Reason Two.
Those panels take up a lot of space. You say you want a system to make enough electricity to eliminate your power bill? Do you realize this can take up to 1000 square feet of space somewhere on your property. Not all roofs are suitable for solar panel installation. The roof may not face the sun properly, or, if it is an older roof, it may not pass city inspections.
Reason Three
The entire solar panel system takes a long, long, time to pay itself out. Yes, that's right, it could take twenty or more years to payoff a multi thousand dollar solar panel system. Your solar panel installer probably didn't tell you about that part of the equation. You can try to make your own panels, but to do it properly, you will spend almost the same amount in money and time as if you has bought commercial panels.
There is a simple alternative to solar panels: magnetic power generation. It is fairly simple to make your own magnetic power generator for home use with an easy to follow guide. These devices are safe, clean, and don't take up much space at your home. You can make a system to either supplement, or replace, your daily power requirements and make all the free electricity you want for as long as you want.
Autor: Elijiah Rampart
Have you been thinking about reducing or eliminating your power bill? There is a simple and safe solution: magnetic energy.
Now you can generate free electricity with a simple and easy to use guide for making a magnetic power generator at home.
To learn more watch this video by following this link == >
Added: January 29, 2010
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