Sunday, January 24, 2010

Water For Life - Tips For Reducing Water Usage

We all know water is crucial for life. We can actually survive intact for up to a month without food, but only three or four days without water. Our use of water has more than tripled within the last century, most of it within the home. The situation with respect to global water supplies may become yet more serious as global warming occurs, but by making some small changes on a daily basis we can all make a difference to our future and that of our children.

Showers and Taps

Have a shower rather than a bath, this can easily save a whopping 20 gallons of water. Install a water-efficient shower with a flow rate of less than 2.5 gallons. Don't leave the tap running when brushing your teeth, etc. Re-use water that you wash your vegetables in for watering houseplants or for cleaning. When hand washing dishes, don't keep the faucet running to rinse them. Instead, rinse them in a bowl or sink full of water.


One quarter of all household water consumption goes on flushing toilets. To minimize the amount of water needed to flush, install ultra-flow toilets; they require only 1.6 gallons per flush, instead of an average of 3.5 gallons. You should periodically check toilets for leaks and repair them promptly. You can reduce the amount of water used by an older toilet by placing something inside the cistern, such as a plastic bottle filled with water, to displace the toilet flow.

Washing Machines and Dishwashers

Save energy and water and by not using your washing machine until you have a full load. Likewise, only run your dishwasher when it's full. It's not normally necessary to rinse dishes before loading them into a dishwasher. When purchasing a new appliance, look for a water and energy efficient model which offers several different cycles, including an economy mode.

Water Usage Outdoors

Use a bucket of soapy water to wash your car and use a hose attachment which allows you to turn off the water between rinsing. Driveways and patios can normally be cleaned with a brush, instead of a hose. Check garden hoses and outdoor taps for any leaks and repair or renew damaged ones. Cover your swimming pool or spa to reduce evaporation. An uncovered swimming pool can lose up to 250 gallons of water a week to evaporation alone. You should also make sure your pool has no leaks and repair any you find as soon as possible.

Following these simple tips can dramatically reduce your water usage, making an important difference to you and the planet as a whole.

Autor: Jayneanne Benjamin

The author writes articles online on a wide variety of topics, including health and lifestyle. She has been working on a site about using a lumbar support pillow or lumbar support belt to alleviate lower back pain.

Added: January 24, 2010