Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Home Power Monitor - How Power Monitoring Can Save You Lots of Money

A home power monitor can help you find the devices in your home that are consuming - and in many cases, wasting power. Then stop it to save money and power.

Attach simple, inexpensive power monitoring equipment at the point where the electricity comes into your home and display how much power you are consuming. Some attach internally in the main power box for your home and monitor the power you draw from there, sending the information to a remote display (if you use this version, make sure you have a qualified person install it as opening the electric panel can be dangerous!). Others attach to the outside of the power meter for your home and send the readings from there. Either way, the information from the power monitoring system is shown on a convenient hand held device, or a desk top display, or on your computer monitor and you get a reading of how much power you are drawing at any given instant. You can then start turning devices off to see how much power draw you can eliminate.

Where this gets interesting is when you think you have all of your appliances and electronics turned off. Then, you'll see how the small amount of power consumed hour after hour by the various clocks, timers, cell phone and music player chargers, televisions, clock radios, VCRs, DVRs, DVD players, cable boxes, etc. and all the other small electronic devices around your home waste watts - for which you pay - all day and all night long.

Plug these chargers and the like into switched power strips so you can turn them off when they are not in use. For example, plug your cell phone and music player chargers into one strip that you turn on at night when you plug the devices in so they can charge overnight while you sleep, and turn it off in the morning when the devices are charged. Plug all of the computer accessories, printers, speakers, monitors - even the computer itself, into another strip that you switch off when you shut down at night and turn on again in the morning.

The power monitor will help you find and eliminate all these watt wasters to save you money on your utility bill, and save the natural resources needed to create that power.

Autor: Dan Davenport

Dan Davenport wants the world to be a greener place - intelligently. Come to http://www.easy-energy-saving-home.com to find many energy and money saving ideas you can use every day and an illustrated version of this article.

Added: January 19, 2010
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/