Sunday, January 3, 2010

Solar Lighting - An Investment in the Future

Light is something we in the developed world take for granted. It's always there for us at the flick of a switch, and the only thing we need to worry about is paying the electricity bill. This isn't the case in other less developed parts of the world, and if the warnings about global warming come true, it's something we might not be able to take for granted for very much longer.

We have become far too dependent on conventional sources of energy for everyday activities such as cooking and lighting, and it is time we investigated alternative sources such as solar power and wind power because they are ultra clean 'green' sources that can save us money and the environmental disaster that many are forecasting.

Some Misconceptions

For most of us, our experience of solar powered lighting is of road signs and street lights having small solar collectors fitted to harness the sun's rays. It's perhaps not surprising then that the majority of people think that solar lights are only suitable for outdoor use, but that is not the case anymore, solar power can be used for inside the home as well. To avail yourself of this free source of electricity, does mean you will have to fund and install a solar panel, but once you have made the initial investment, maintenance costs are very low, and the power itself is essentially free.

Installing a solar panel is relatively easy but does require a little specialist knowledge. Don't worry tough, you can learn everything you need to know from the Internet, but if you don't feel like it is something you can tackle yourself, there are many installation companies that will take on the task for you.

Once your system has been installed, you will have access to your free source of light both during the day and at night. Your panels will need proper exposure to sunlight during daytime hours though for your system to provide electricity at night time. Even if you live in an area not renowned for large amounts of sunshine, solar lighting is still a viable option so long as your system is designed and installed correctly. In recent years we have seen a huge increase in the amount of money spent on research and development in solar power, the systems that are commercially available are much more efficient at collecting solar energy than they were say 5 or 10 years ago. A small investment in a solar collection system will pay dividends for many years to come, both for the individual and for the environment - it's a real win win solution.

Autor: Ray E Baker

With energy prices at an all time high, it is prudent for all of us to be looking at alternative ways to power our homes and our businesses. One possible way to save money and to help the environment, is to invest a little money in things such as solar lights to reduce out own personal carbon footprints

Added: January 4, 2010