Monday, January 18, 2010

Residential Solar Power Kits - Power Up and Save Big

Who says residential solar power kits need to be complex and expensive? It is a a current reality that more and more folks are discovering that the option of solar power as an efficient and renewable source of energy for there homes is completely within their reach...and their budget.

Think about it. Solar power for you home isn't polluting the atmosphere in which we live and each day the sun comes up your power bill from the local utility goes down. The hardest part that people seem to imagine is the installation of the system. The reality is that by following a few simple instructions and a little elbow grease, you too can install a new system in no time at all.

The internet is now filled with guides and how-to advice on how to design and install your own residential solar power kits. The kits themselves come with explicit instructions and don't forget that the business selling these kits also have helpful individuals who know how they work and how to install them should you have any questions.

Although individual parts can be expensive in putting a system together, kits offer you the best value in purchasing a new system. Most solar power kits on the market now also come in modules that can be added to as you go giving you the flexibility to add on to your new system as your finances permit.

Nearly all systems require you to put the solar panels on the roof where adequate sunlight can charge the system. This requires a solar panel or in most cases several panels. Depending on your power needs will dictate how many panels your will need to install.

You will then need a battery storage system in which to capture the suns energy and a converter system to leverage that power through out your house. Again, the larger the storage system the more power you can store and use throughout the house. You can add to this part of the system as well as your budget permits.

Before getting started with your residential solar power kit make sure to do your homework and add up all the energy you are currently using throughout the house. By knowing how much energy you use in a typical day you will be able to estimate how many panels you need to install depending on how many batteries you will be using. The more batteries you install, the more panels you can put to work on the roof.

Many big home remodeling stores are now selling solar power kits for your home and will give you detailed information on how to set them up and do all the estimates for you current power usage. Again, by doing some simple research online you can familiarize yourself with how each system works and how it all needs to be installed.

Solar power kits are everyone's future. Technology has brought many of these systems up to every day Joe's ability to install and use them. If you have been sitting on the fence about solar power, now is the time to jump off and see how easy they are to install and how much money you can be saving each and every month you put it to use. Your energy bill will be greatly reduced and you will do wonders for preserving our environment.

Autor: Barry Crewse

Considering putting in your own Residential Solar Power Kits but don't know where to start? Stop by and find out all the information you need to install your own system today.

Added: January 18, 2010

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Excellent and helpful post… I am so glad to left comment on this.
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